
Successful certification of the Head and Neck Tumour Centre at Magdeburg University Hospital

22.04.2024 -

The Head and Neck Tumour Centre (KHTZ) at Magdeburg University Hospital was certified for the first time by the German Cancer Society in collaboration with OnkoZert, an independent institute.

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New aftercare group launched for patients following stomach reduction surgery

22.04.2024 -

The University Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy Magdeburg is expanding its range of treatments to include a specialised aftercare group for patients who have undergone stomach reduction surgery. This closes the gap in care following these so-called bariatric operations (operations intended to promote weight loss).

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CI-Infotag für Hörgeschädigte – Mit einem Hörimplantat zu wiedergewonnenen Erlebnissen

19.04.2024 -

Die Universitätsklinik für Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde, Kopf- und Halschirurgie Magdeburg lädt am 26. April 2024 herzlich zum CI-Infotag für Hörgeschädigte und Cochlea-Implantat Trägerinnen und Träger ein.

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